Back-end Engineering Articles

I write and talk about backend stuff like Ruby, Ruby On Rails, Databases, Testing, Architecture / Infrastructure / System Design, Cloud, DevOps, Backgroud Jobs, some JS stuff and more...



Ruby Arrays

Previously I wrote a blog post about the basic data types in Ruby: Strings, Numbers and Booleans. Also in the post called Ruby Each Loop we introduced the concept of Ruby Arrays, however not in great detail. This blog post will explain in detail w...

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Ruby Each Loop

In previous post called Ruby Times Loop and While Loop we’ve been talking extensively about Loops and we said that: Loops allows you to: * Go over a list of things & work with each individual element * Repeat something a set number of times *...

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Ruby Times Loop and While Loop

At the very beginning of our career as software developers we tend to think that we can copy and paste code when we want a kind of behavior where we need something to repeat. Let me explain. If we want to repeat the sentence “Hello World!” for 10 ...

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Control Flow and Conditionals in Ruby

This is one of the critical things you have to understand very well to become a good developer. This is an extensive topic so we’ll need to explain a lot of things, but the first and most important one is flow control Flow control Flow control...

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Variables and User Inputs in Ruby

So far we’ve been seeing the utility of the data types like Strings, Numbers and Booleans. However, we wrote all of those data types directly to our IRB and that means something. When you are creating programs you’ll want to store information in s...

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Ruby Data Types: Strings, Numbers and Booleans

Now that we know more about how to install Ruby in Linux or Windows, how to launch the IRB interpreter and what is Ruby programming language, we have the path clear to start programming!  Let’s launch our IRB console in the Operating System you n...

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What's Ruby

So far we've been talking about the initial setup or configurations you've to have in your machine just to start creating your code in any programming language you want. For that reason we have talked about Versionig, Package Managers, different O...

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Basic Concepts in Git and Github

In previous posts we talked about Versions and Releases - Versions & Releases in Open Source Projects - Part 1- Versions & Releases in Open Source Projects - Part 2 We’ve said in those posts that: “One of the first things you need to under...

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How to Use the Terminal or Console as a Developer?

The three main Operating Systems (Linux, Windows and MacOS) come by default with a software program called “Terminal”, “Console” or “Command Line (CLI)”. These are synonyms to talk about the same concept so when we talk about any of these terms we...

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What is a Text Editor for Coding?

Previously we’ve learned about REPLs and what kind of task we can achieve with it. Let’s re-check some basic concepts about it: REPL is an interactive toplevel or language shell. REPL is a simple interactive computer programming environment that ...

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What is a Ruby Gem?

Until now we have advanced in some initial concepts about learning Ruby and some other stuff like Versioning, Installing Ruby, RVM and IRB, now we’ve to know about an important concept in the programming world: Packages Package or Library In com...

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Interactive Ruby Console or IRB

8- Interactive Ruby Console or IRB Interactive Ruby Console or IRB in Ruby is a terminal where you can test rapid and easy Ruby code. It was made thinking about debugging, playing around with ruby and doing tests rapidly with any Ruby command ins...

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Ruby Installation in Windows Using RubyInstaller

Previously we talked about the Differences Between RVM, Rbenv and RubyInstaller and also I wrote a post about Creating A Windows Virtual Machine in AWS. For this post we’ll have to use these entries as the necessary context to install Ruby on a Wi...

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Ruby Installation in Ubuntu Using RVM

Previously we talked about the Differences Between RVM, Rbenv and RubyInstaller and also I wrote a post about Creating a Linux Virtual Machine in AWS. For this post we’ll have to use these entries as the necessary context to install Ruby on a Linu...

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Differences Between RVM, Rbenv and RubyInstaller

Differences Between RVM, Rbenv and RubyInstaller In one of the latest blog posts I’ve been talking about the Differences Between Installers, Package Managers and Dependency Managers. I said that in modern software development it is almost impossi...

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Differences Between Installers, Package Managers and Dependency Managers

Software tools have different versions over the time, and this is the natural consequence of the evolution of the software. Each time some bug is solved, a new feature is developed or a new fancy thing is created inside that library, the creators ...

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Creating A Virtual Machine With Windows in AWS

In this new post we’re going to create a Windows Machine in AWS. Given the fact that Windows deal with almost everything using the User Interface (UI) the best, easy and fast way to have a Virtual Machine running Windows is using  The intent of t...

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Creating A Virtual Machine With Linux in AWS

In this post what we are going to do is to learn to work in the cloud. I mean, it’s ok that you work in your local environment, but to explain the installation of package managers, dependency managers, libraries and tools I need to have your same ...

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1.2- Versions & Releases in Open Source Projects - Part 2

We’re going to continue our last blog post about Versions & Releases in Open Source Projects In this case, we’ll be reviewing other terms that can help us to understand the world of versioning and releases.  Stable When we talk about the sta...

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1.1- Versions & Releases in Open Source Projects - Part 1

1.1- Versions & Releases in Open Source Projects - Part 1 One of the first things you need to understand in the development world is that open source programming languages and the software we create are always attached to a given version. Ver...

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