Back-end Engineering Articles

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Ruby OOP Challenges

So far we have enough theoretical knowledge to understand Classes and Objects in Ruby. If you have been following previous blog post, here we have the order to study this subject

  1. - Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming in Ruby
  2. - Methods and Attributes in Object-oriented programming in Ruby
  3. - Ruby Getters and Setters in Object-oriented Programming

Just to recap, let’s see this important concepts
  • - A Class is a “template” to create Objects
  • - An Object is an “instance” of a Class
  • - Classes can have the “initialize” method (commonly known as “The Constructor”) who is called each time an Object is created
  • - The Constructor is commonly used to “initialize” object attributes
  • - Inside the Class we can define Methods (the behavior) and Attributes (the information) that Objects will have. Methods are usually called “Instance Methods” and Attributes is commonly called “Instance Variables”
  • - Attributes are info that is associated to the Object
  • - Attributes are “private” by default and can just be read and modified inside the Object, unless you create methods to Read (getters) and Write (setters) outside the Object
  • - You can use the “accessors” called “attr_accesor” (to read and write), attr_reader (to read)  and attr_writter (to write) and Ruby will create, for us, the methods to read and write

As you can see we’ve advanced a lot in OOP and you should have, above concepts at hand, to solve next challenges 


Challenge #1
Write a class called Dog. The class must have a single “bark” method that returns "woof-woof".

Challenge #2
  • Create a class called “Square”
  • Add a constructor to “Square” who receives an argument called “length” and assign it to an attribute with the same name
  • Add methods to read and write the “length” attribute
  • Add a method called “area” that returns the square’s area
  • Add a method called “perimeter” that returns the square’s perimeter
  • Create 2 “Square” instances, first one with a longitude of 5 and second one with a longitude of 10. Check that it returns the correct data

Challenge #3
Your mission in this challenge is to write a class called Car that behaves like a simplified car that allows us to accelerate, brake and obtain its current speed. The Car class must be usable as follows:

car =
car.velocity # => 0

car.velocity # => 1

car.velocity # => 3

car.velocity # => 2

car.velocity # => 0

Note: It should not be possible to assign the speed of the car directly.
car.velocity = 100 # Should fail.

  • Create the Car class (we suggest you do this on your machine first so you can test it).
  • Add the necessary methods and attributes to implement the class.

Challenge #4
  • - Create a class called GoodDog with an initializer that prints "This object was initialized".
  • - Pass to the initializer a parameter called name and store it in an instance variable.
  • - The instance variable can be read and modified from outside the class.
  • - Create a class method that is called "speaks" and prints "(name) says arf!"
  • - Instantiate the class, pass it the parameter name, and use the speech method, the variable name, then modify the name and call it again by the new name.