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Introduction to Ruby Data Structures and Complexity Analysis

Introduction to Ruby Data Structures and Complexity Analysis

Now we’re going to enter in a field of computer science that will help you understand even better the things we’ve been learning in the past blog posts: Data Structures and Complexity Analysis

But why is this so important right now? If fair to say that we are not going so deeper in this concepts (at least not for now), but these will become the real bases to our skills as software developers in Ruby and we’re going to understand the importance of this basic knowledge

The other reason why it is so important to understand data structures and complexity analysis right now is because we’ll need to start solving problems, challenges or algorithms in Ruby to put into practice what we’ve learned so far. We already know the basic data types and data structures in Ruby, just like Arrays, Strings or Hashes. And we know how to encapsulate code inside functions or how to go over a control flow with IF statements. The missed step is the practice: solving coding problems. But before that we’ve to understand how to measure what is the best solution for a given problem. So let’s begin

Data Structures
We’ve already seen 3 data structures with Ruby:

But what is a data structure? In computer science, a data structure is a data organization, management, and storage format that enables efficient access and modification. More precisely, a data structure is a collection of data values, the relationships among them, and the functions or operations that can be applied to the data. For a deeper theoretical definition please hit this link.

This definition leads us to understand more in detail about Arrays and Hashes. Remember that both of them are containers of information. For instance, do you remember our image about Arrays? If not to well, here it is again

Here we have a container of Integers in ruby. This Array helps us to organize a different amount of integers, assigning them an order and an index and it helps us to manage and store these integers. Also it enables us to access and modify its elements. We have for instance this simple operations:

2.6.8 :002 > array = [1, 2, 3, 4]
 => [1, 2, 3, 4] 
2.6.8 :003 > array[0]
 => 1 
2.6.8 :004 > array[0] = 5
 => 5 
2.6.8 :005 > array
 => [5, 2, 3, 4]

  • - In the first line we’ve created the data structure (Array)
  • - Then we access the first element of the data structure with array[0]
  • - After that we modify the first element of the data structure array[0] = 5
  • - Finally we printed out the final data structure. All of this means that we organize the data structure at our will. 

Same thing happens with Hashes. We can create, access, modify and organize our Hashes at our will. You just need to follow the syntax given by Ruby

But why is this important for us as Ruby developers?
As software developers in Ruby we have to become problem solvers, this means that we’ve to leave aside (at least for a while) our theoretical knowledge and apply all of these concepts to solve real world problems. To do that we’ve to know about how to code but at the same time we’ve to know about the data structures itself because it will help us to do things better.

However data structures is an entire field of study by itself. What we need at this moment is to know how to choose the best data structure to solve a given problem. Normally there are just a couple of data structures (20% of all) that normally help us to solve 80% of the problems. Choose the best data structure becomes with another important concept: Complexity Analysis

Complexity Analysis
It’s important for us as developers to understand that there are different ways to solve the very same problem. Probably you found yourself (or you’ll find yourself) in that situation where you are thinking in different ways to solve the same problem (or you think by yourself that it could be a better solution). Sure enough there will be other solutions. The questions are:
  • - It’s worth pursuing that solution?
  • - Which solution is better? 
  • - How can I measure and choose the best solution? 

Here is where Complexity Analysis comes to help us. In computer science, the Complexity Analysis of an algorithm is the amount of resources required to run it. Particular focus is given to time and memory requirements. The complexity of a problem is the complexity of the best algorithms that allow solving the problem.

Complexity doesn't mean that the more complex algorithm wins. Actually the simpler one wins. Complexity is just the name for the analysis. But what we really need to measure here is the Time and Space consumed by the solution

Time Complexity is normally related to the amount of seconds to minutes that the solution takes to run successfully. Space Complexity is related to the amount of memory that is needed to run the algorithm. So the key questions are: How fast is the solution? How much memory does it consume? The best solution is the one who has low numbers in both questions. 

However, this also depends on the use case itself. Sometimes we would prefer to execute in less time. It doesn't matter the memory consumption. Or on the other hand you probably give more importance to the memory resources than the time it takes to execute. Or you can tolerate a bit of delay in both if they are running in a tolerable time and space complexity. 

All of this means that choosing the best algorithm to solve a problem is in part about the use case, the priorities, the data structure you choose and the solution you choose. 

In next blog posts we’ll be seeing the most common data structures in more detail, like
  • - Arrays
  • - Linked Lists
  • - Hash Tables
  • - Stacks and Queues
  • - Strings
  • - Graphs
  • - Trees

Hope you learned the basic concepts about data structures and complexity analysis

Thanks for reading