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Control Flow and Conditionals in Ruby

This is one of the critical things you have to understand very well to become a good developer. This is an extensive topic so we’ll need to explain a lot of things, but the first and most important one is flow control

Flow control

Flow control is a series of steps taken according to an answer or conditional. In the image above the conditionals are given inside the yellow isometric square and these conditionals are always evaluated to be true or false (in our case as Yes or No). That’s the building blocks of almost all the code you’ll be writing at the very beginning. You’ll start evaluating conditionals and doing something accordingly. 

This also seems like a decision tree, and actually it is a decision tree. You are falling down according to the answers given to the question (conditional). What we need to do here is to translate this diagram to Ruby code. But before that let’s see another important concept: Boolean expressions

Comparison Operators
In one of the last blog posts called Ruby Data Types: Strings, Numbers and Booleans we studied about Booleans. Remember that: “The Boolean data type is primarily associated with conditional statements, which allow different actions by changing control flow depending on whether a programmer-specified Boolean condition evaluates to true or false. It is a special case of a more general logical data type (see probabilistic logic)—logic doesn't always need to be Boolean”

Let's check again this concept in out IRB Console

2.6.8 :016 > true
 => true 
2.6.8 :017 > false
 => false 
2.6.8 :018 > true.class
 => TrueClass 
2.6.8 :019 > false.class
 => FalseClass 

We can create Boolean expressions using comparison operators. Comparison operators compare two items and return True or False. They are also known as "relational". The first two comparison operators that we will see here are
  • - Equal: ==
  • - Not equal: !=

Let’s do a couple of examples

2.3.3 :001 > 1 == 1
 => true 
2.3.3 :002 > 2 != 4
 => true 
2.3.3 :003 > 3 == 5
 => false 
2.3.3 :004 > '7' == 7
 => false 

As we can see now we’re not using just one equal sign “=” because it help us to assign a value to a variable, as we saw in the last blog post. What we’re doing now is a comparison, asking to the machine if 
  • - “1 is equal to 1” or 1 == 1 which is true
  • - “2 is not equal to 4” or 2 != 4 which is true
  • - “3 is equal to 5” or 3 == 5 which is false
  • - “7 as a string is equal to 7 as a number” or ‘7’ == 7 which is false. This one is a little tricky, because we are comparing two different data types, the first one is a string while the second one is an integer, for that reason the result is false. 

As you can notice all of these lines of code can be read as a question, or with a question mark at the end. You always have to have a true or false result, and not something ambiguous. 

Boolean variables
This is any variable that has a boolean value assigned to it, such as True or False, either directly or because it will evaluate some condition. Let’s make a couple of examples

2.3.3 :015 > set_to_true = true
 => true 
2.3.3 :016 > set_to_true
 => true 
2.3.3 :017 > set_to_false = false
 => false 
2.3.3 :018 > set_to_false
 => false 
2.3.3 :019 > bool_one = 5 != 7
 => true 
2.3.3 :020 > bool_one
 => true 
2.3.3 :021 > bool_two = 1 + 1 != 2
 => false 
2.3.3 :022 > bool_two
 => false 
2.3.3 :023 > bool_three = 3 * 3 == 9
 => true 
2.3.3 :024 > bool_three
 => true 

We’re now doing things a little bit more complicated than before. 
  • - First lines of code assign values true or false directly to a variable
  • - Then we have bool_one who has a comparison operator “!=”. Seems a little awkward because we have the equal sign “=” to assign to the variable, and then we have the “not equal” expression. If we print the result, we have a Boolean value
  • - Finally the other two variables also contain a Boolean value as a result of some comparisons

Boolean expressions
A Boolean expression is a clause that can evaluate to True or False and leave no doubt or be an ambiguous answer.
  • - Is it a weekend day? The answer can evaluate to True or False.
  • - Saturday is the best day of the week? The answer to this is an opinion, and is not objective. 

With this we have here the other construction block, the boolean expression. In our previous examples the Boolean expressions are the variables that contain the Boolean result. For instance

  • - bool_one: is a Boolean expression because it has assigned a Boolean result. But here is the tricky thing
  • - 5 != 7 is also a Boolean expression, because it can be evaluated to be true or false. 

This boolean expression will have more sense with the next topic: If Statements

If Statements
An if statement in Ruby evaluates a boolean expression, which returns either true or false. If the expression is true, Ruby executes the code block that follows the if whereas if the expression is false, Ruby returns nil.

Let’s do it

2.3.3 :030 > if bool_one == true
2.3.3 :031?>   puts "expression evaluates to true"
2.3.3 :032?>   end

We’ve passed the boolean expression “bool_one == true” as an evaluator of the if statement. But we can also do it like this

2.6.8 :007 > if 5 !=7
2.6.8 :008?>   puts "expression evaluates to true"
2.6.8 :009?>   end

This time we’re passing a boolean expression directly in the if statement evaluator. Note that we didn't need the final evaluation of “== true” because the current expression evaluates that for us. As we can see there are small differences when we pass the boolean expression inside a boolean variable and when we pass the boolean expression directly. The usage of one or the other will depend on the use case. This last case is simpler than the last one. 

But the big advantage of the boolean variables (and variables in general) is that we have just one place (in theory) where we can change values, without affecting the logic developed inside the program. Remember that a variable means intrinsically that the value inside will change in any moment, so we can have dynamic code with it, while if we pass values directly it means that these values won’t change dynamically in the near future, if so we have to make the change manually which is not a good practice. 

Other Comparison Operators

So far we’ve seeing just two comparison operators
  • - Equal: ==
  • - Not equal: !=

Now let’s see others, like
  • - Greater than: >
  • - Less than: <
  • - Greater than or equal to: >=
  • - Less than or equal to: <=

Let’s do some examples

2.6.8 :010 > 5 > 2
 => true 
2.6.8 :011 > 5 < 2
 => false 
2.6.8 :012 > 10 >= 10
 => true 
2.6.8 :013 > 10 <= 10
 => true 
2.6.8 :014 > 20 >= 10
 => true 
2.6.8 :015 > 20 <= 10
 => false 

I guess that these operations are clear at this point of the post. We’re executing boolean expressions directly in our IRB console. With the power of Ruby we can compare Integer values with these comparison operators. 

Logical operators

Often the conditionals you will evaluate will require more than two Boolean expressions. You can do this with Boolean operators (also called logical operators). Comparison operators allow us to assert the equality of a statement with Ruby. For example, we can assert whether two values or expressions are equal with ==, or, whether one value is greater than another with >.

There are scenarios, however, in which we must assert whether multiple values or expressions are true. In Ruby, we can use logical operators to make these assertions.

The Boolean operators are:
  • - And: in Ruby the syntax is “&&”
  • - Or: in Ruby the syntax is “||”

I know it is a bit weird, but let’s try to explain this more in detail, because it is critical at this point. Let’s suppose that you want to give access to a user in your webpage and it depends on the country and the age. Accordion to this user case we have to evaluate next conditionals
  1. - If user belongs to an authorized country
  2. - And
  3. - If the user has more than a given age. 

We can see this expression as easily as the text we expressed above. First line needs to evaluate to true AND the second line also needs to evaluate to true. If both are true then the user can access the webpage. Let’s extrapolate this to a Ruby code

2.6.8 :001 > country = "Portugal"
 => "Portugal" 
2.6.8 :002 > age = 25
 => 25 
2.6.8 :003 > if country == "Portugal" && age >= 18
2.6.8 :004?>   puts "user can enter the webpage"
2.6.8 :005?>   end
user can enter the webpage

Easy peasy!

First we’ve assigned two variables: “country” and “age” and give them an initial value to each one of them. Then we call the if statement evaluating first the country and then evaluating the age. Both boolean expressions need to be true to execute the code, which is the case. Now let’s give access to people from Portugal OR Spain and they have to be older than 18 years. How can we do this?

We’ve just to change the if statement like so

2.6.8 :006 > if (country == "Portugal" || country == "Spain") && age >= 18
2.6.8 :007?>   puts "user belongs to an authorized country and is older than 18"
2.6.8 :008?>   end

Now we’re evaluating 3 boolean expressions
  • - country == "Portugal"
  • - country == "Spain"
  • - age >= 18

The difference here is the && and || who evaluates them accordingly and in order (given the parenthesis). The OR operator is also easy to understand, if any of them is true, the whole expression will be true. Let’s do an example, where are you from? From Portugal or from Spain? If you are from another country, that means that the result is false. If you’re from any of these two countries the output will be true. 

Truth table
Time to see the next concept: truth table. A truth table is a mathematical table used in logic—specifically in connection with Boolean algebra, boolean functions, and propositional calculus—which sets out the functional values of logical expressions on each of their functional arguments, that is, for each combination of values taken by their logical variables. In particular, truth tables can be used to show whether a propositional expression is true for all legitimate input values, that is, logically valid.

If you want to know more about truth tables please hit this link:

As always theory can be more complicated as the reality is. The key take away are:
  • - If you’re evaluating expressions with && (and) all of the expressions need to be true to get an output equal to true. Otherwise the result will be false
  • - If you’re evaluating expressions with || (or) if just one expression is true the output will be equal to true. Otherwise the result will be false

Let’s do some coding with this new knowledge

2.6.8 :009 > (1 + 1 == 2) && (2 + 2 == 4)
 => true 
2.6.8 :010 > (1 + 1 == 2) && (2 < 1)
 => false 
2.6.8 :011 > (1 > 9) && (5 != 6)
 => false 
2.6.8 :012 > (0 == 10) && (1 + 1 == 1)
 => false 

It’s a good exercise if you try to figure out why we are getting these results. Remember to take into account the parenthesis and do the analysis after and before the Logical Operator. 

Let’s see more examples

2.6.8 :018 > (3 == 8) and 5 == 5
 => false 
2.6.8 :019 > true || (3 + 4 == 7)
 => true 
2.6.8 :020 > (1 - 1 == 0) || false
 => true 
2.6.8 :021 > (2 < 0) || true
 => true 
2.6.8 :022 > (3 == 8) || (3 > 4)
 => false 

Can you figure out why this results? Remember to do this by yourself. The key to understand how this works is like this:
  • - Start doing your mental operations from left to right
  • - Remember the rules of && and || that basically says. If && has a false, automatically will be evaluated to false. If || has a true, automatically will be evaluated to true
  • - Group by each parenthesis
  • - Finally execute the && or the ||

All right, we’re almost done before with control flow and conditionals. So, let’s see next concept “elsif statement”

Elsif statement
Elsif stands for “Else if”. The Else If statement checks another condition after the previous if conditionals, if they are not met. 

2.6.8 :040 > country = "Portugal"
 => "Portugal" 
2.6.8 :041 > if country == "Portugal"
2.6.8 :042?>   puts "You live in Portugal. That's nice!"
2.6.8 :043?>   elsif country == "Austria"
2.6.8 :044?>   puts "You live in Austria. That's awesome!"
2.6.8 :045?>   end
You live in Portugal. That's nice

Else statement
Once you start including a lot of IF clauses the code starts to become unreadable and unintuitive. For this there are other tools we can use to control the flow. The else clauses allow us to describe what we want to do if the conditions of the previous clause are not met. The else clauses always appear in conjunction with the if clauses. 

2.6.8 :046 > country = "Portugal"
 => "Portugal" 
2.6.8 :047 > if country == "Portugal"
2.6.8 :048?>   puts "You live in Portugal. That's nice!"
2.6.8 :049?>   elsif country == "Austria"
2.6.8 :050?>   puts "You live in Austria. That's awesome!"
2.6.8 :051?>   else
2.6.8 :052?>   puts "You live in another country, but we don't know which one :("
2.6.8 :053?>   end
You live in Portugal. That's nice!

Executing code outside IRB

Seems like our code inside our IRB console is starting to grow, and we cannot differentiate the sentences very well. Following this blog post about Text Editors, let’s do all of this again but from Visual Studio Code and the executing it with the terminal or console

First we create a new file called index.rb

Then we access it from terminal and then we execute the command ruby <filename>.rb

Now let’s make it more dynamic. Let’s take the user input as we’ve learned in the previous post

puts "Please enter the country where you currently live: "
country = gets.chomp

if country == "Portugal"
  puts "You live in Portugal. That's nice!"
elsif country == "Austria"
  puts "You live in Austria. That's awesome!"
  puts "You live in another country, but we don't know which one :("

Now let’s execute it from console

Can you figure out the changes we made? We’ve now a more dynamic code, requesting for user inputs and our program is going to the control flow, asking questions with the boolean expressions and then printing the result according to that evaluation. Pretty nice no?

I hope you’ve learned a lot about conditionals. These are the main blocks of any programming language. Later will be doing more exercises to practice this new acquired skill

Thanks for reading